Hi I'm Melody

Hi I'm Melody

I have been empowering people of all ages to release chronic pain, injury, stress and habituated postures through somatic movement education since 2010.  

I was introduced to somatics in 2008 after I was involved in a car accident and suffered an acute whiplash injury. 

After just 3 weekly somatics sessions and committing to the daily movement explorations, not only did I release the whiplash, but my whole body was brought back into alignment and I felt a deep sense of calm I wasn't used to.

I had been told by various professionals that my legs were different lengths, and my shoulders were lopsided. I actually had a contracted waist muscle that was hiking my hip up and pulling my shoulder down, the somatics released this contraction and I was once again in alignment.

After suffering with neck pain since my teenager years, due to a traumatic childhood, my back, neck and shoulders felt better at 30 years old than they had at 18. 

I was stunned that something so gentle and easy had created such a drastic transformation within my body, mind and spirit. I knew as soon as the 3 sessions were over that I wanted to learn this beautiful healing modality to help others. 

In 2009 I joined the first Living Somatics Clinical Practitioners Training in the UK. In 2020 I continued my learning and completed the Living Somatics Movement Teacher Training in 2022. I have since completed two 13 week online Living Somatics Clinical Teacher trainings and various other events and workshops.

In 2025 I join The Shift Network to be a Living Somatics Pod Facilitator for the Applied Somatic Healing Teacher Certification.

Somatics has given me and so many of my clients the gift of calm, enabling us to live pain free, so we can thrive and not just survive.

If you or a loved one are in need of some somatic healing and this resonates with you please get in touch to arrange a free consultation.

Much Love, 

Melody x